Version Control with Git Workshop

Version Control with Git Workshop#

We largely follow the Carpentries curricula for our workshops.

Currently the Henry Royce Institute is not an affiliate member of the Carpentries, as is such our lessons are not branded Carpentry workshops. However, we do use the lessons from the Carpentries for our workshops, as they are licensed under the Creative Commons CC-BY 4.0 International License.

Intro to UNIX Shell and Intro to Git#

For our one-day introduction to the UNIX Shell and Introduction to Git workshops we follow The UNIX Shell Software Carpentry Lessons 1 - 3 and the Version Control with Git Software Carpentry Lessons 1 - 13, with our own lessons in using the Git GUI and the GitHub GUI.

Installation instructions#

You can find the installation instructions in the Git Bash on Windows for workshop attendees article.