Contributing to this book

Contributing to this book#

This guide is written using the Jupyter Book Python package. If you are comfortable with Python, Git and Github feel free to fork our repository and start pushing content to it.


We assume that you are working on a managed Windows machine. Currently, the most straightforward way of using Jupyter Book on Windows 10 has been Anaconda with a Python 3.7 version.

You will find the necesary packages to for your build environment below:


For those of you who are a bit less familiar with the process we will go through it in the following pages


The environment requirements files for creating a virtual environment using pip were created using the following command in a terminal window with the anaconda environment active:

pip list --format=freeze > requirements.txt

Similarly the Anaconda environment file you can import in Anaconda navigator was created using the following command:

conda env export > env.yaml