CMS Record Type Administration Guide#

In this guide we show you how to create and import a Record Type, and how to create Record Type to Record Type relationships.


We have intentionally kept the metadata schema very lightweight. Ampletracks has over 13 data field types to choose from, and record types can be configured to have very specific fields that provide rich and descriptive metadata schemas.

Create Record Type#

In this guide we will be creating a lightweight Record Type for laboratory Equipment.

  1. Navigate to the grey banner menu on the Ampletracks UI

  2. Hover over Schema on the left-hand side

  3. Select Record Types from the drop down menu

  4. You will see 3 buttons to the right-hand side of the UI

  5. Click on the Add Record Type button, you will be redirected to a new page

  6. Specify the Name and Public preview message of the Record Type in the text input areas, and, optionally, add a label image

    1. In Name, input ‘Equipment’

    2. Optionally, in Public preview message, input ‘This is a piece of data acquisition equipment for our laboratory’

  7. Click on the Save or the Save & Close button

  8. Back to the Record Type list you will see your new Record Type listed

  9. Hover over the cog icon next to your new Record Type listing

  10. Select Data Fields, you will be redirected to the Data Field list for that Record Type

  11. Click on the Add Data Field button

  12. Data field: Name

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textbox

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select First field


      Once you have more than one data field defined for your Record you will be able to select data field position on the Record indexing form relative to the position of the other data fields

    3. You will then be prompted to provide a Name, Export name and Question, type ‘Name’ in all these

    4. Options - There are several options to configure the behaviour of your data field beyond what it looks like and what types of answers it accepts

      1. Display to the public will determine whether a data field answer is shown when a QR code associated with a Record is scanned and accessed whilst not logged in or having access to Ampletracks as a User

      2. Required will determine whether the data field is required for the Record to be saved

      3. Inheritance determines whether the data field will be inherited by a Child Record

  13. Data field: Equipment type

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textbox

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Name

  14. Data field: Host institution

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textbox

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Equipment type

  15. Data field: Location

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textbox

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Host Institution

  16. Data field: Description

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textarea

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Location

  17. Data field: Image

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Image

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Description

  18. Data field: Additional information

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textbox

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Image

  19. Data field: Link

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select URL

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Additional information

  20. Data field: Contact

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Textbox

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Link

  21. Data field: Contact email

    1. From the drop-down menu under Type: select Email Address

    2. From the drop-down menu under Position: select After Contact

Import Record Type#

  1. Navigate to the Ampletracks GitHub repository

  2. From there access the example directory within the repository

  3. Download the ‘barebones’ Sample Record Type XML specified structure

  4. Navigate to the grey banner menu on the Ampletracks UI

  5. Hover over Schema on the left-hand side

  6. Select Record Types from the drop down menu

  7. You will see 3 buttons to the right-hand side of the UI

  8. Click on Import button, you will be redirected to a new page

  9. On the new page click on the button to select a file stored locally on your machine with the file system interaction dialog box

  10. Click the Import button once you have selected the file

Create a Record Type to Record Type Relationship#

  1. Navigate to the grey banner menu on the Ampletracks UI

  2. Hover over Schema on the left-hand side

  3. Select Relationships from the drop down menu

  4. You will see 2 buttons to the right-hand side of the UI

  5. Click on Add Relationship Pair, you will be redirected to a new page

  6. You will see a pane where you can select two types of records (whether the same or different) and specify the relationship between them in plain language

  7. As an example we will specify a relationship between a Sample and a piece of Equipment

    1. In the top pane select Equipment from the drop down menu

    2. In the bottom pane select Sample from the drop down menu

    3. On the left-hand text box type in “was measured using”, i.e. “Sample was measured using Equipment

    4. On the right-hand text box type in “measured”, i.e. “Equipment measured Sample

    5. For how many relationships we can have between record type and record type the minimum is 1 and the maximum is 1000000, if you wanted a Sample to have a maximum of 10 relationships to a piece of Equipment you need to input 10 in the left-hand box underneath max